This is the first mod that I made for DE called “Musketeers for the Germans and Dutch mod” which, as it says on the tin, does exactly that and is in fact “cut content”, more of which you can see here:

Now, to the reason why most of you are probably here. With that said, I’ve modded AoE3 (and Halo Wars) before but it was a long time ago so naturally I’ve probably forgotten some things or not know how to do certain others and so forth, additionally I’m busy with work and life in general so sadly I will also probably not be able to answer ALL questions and the few that I can will be in a time when I’m free and they might not be complete answers so bare with me. I will start off with the statement that I’m a long time Age of Mythology modder so most of my experience comes from there, however all 3 games, as in Age of Empires 3, Age of Mythology and Halo Wars use the same BANG! engine altho (heavily) modified that was originally created by Ensemble Studios, the original developers of all 3 games a long time ago, give or take around 20 years now.